It's Called Therapy... Jackass.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Therapy Isn't Going too Well...

Noone is posting... Noone is joining... What is a blogger to do?

I started this to get my feelings out in the open... Tom doesn't even read it anymore.
I hoped my family would join... I don't think some of my family knows it exists.
I wanted to be more honest about how I felt... I think I can do that on my own blog.

So now... unless there is another post by a family member, I bid any readers of this blog farewell and invite you to join me at my other blog... Muddled Mind. It seems better anyways. The link is on the right-hand side of your screen.


Wednesday, January 04, 2006


It is a stressful time. That is a fact.

Is it wrong for me to try to not get stressed? Do I have to give in to the stressful atmosphere? Do I have to worry, and stress over things that are not under my control? What good does that get me?

I see no benefit to stressing, but I will respect that others are stressed, and I try to not add to this stress, mostly by staying out of their way. All I ask is that others respect that I am trying to save myself from stressing out, and worrying so much that I get sick from it. That would only make things worse.

I suggest to all that you try not to stress and worry, especially about things you cannot change. Blog, play games, read webcomics... Whatever it takes to not worry, and be happy.

Enhance your calm... Don't worry, be happy... Take a deep breath and count to ten... Whatever it takes to not be stressing yourself into an early grave...

Until next time...