It's Called Therapy... Jackass.

Saturday, December 31, 2005

I Don't Have to Take this Crap...

I don't Tom...

I am so sick of your constant whining. You seem to be in some kind of mood today, and frankly, it is driving me up the wall. Either can it, or just stay away from me.

Now, I dont know what crawled up your ass and died, but I hope that the New Year will start off a bit more cheery than this year ended with you. You are getting pissed off over the smallest things, and everyone is tired of it today.

So, like I said, change your attitude to a less touchy one, or stay the heck away from me.

Got it?

Until next time...

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Im Going to be Sick...

It is all breaking up around me.
My family is falling apart.
Stress and worry have gripped us,
I feel it in my heart.

When will it get better?
Noone seems to know...
Could this all be my fault?
For we reap what we sow.

I feel sick to my stomach.
There is a pounding in my brain.
I seem to have no energy...
It's all gone down the drain.

I suppose I can only hope,
That things could get better still.
I just don't know...
If they ever will...

Until next time...

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Oh No! The World Shalt Implode Without Him!

Tom Clarkson, my oh so down to Earth brother, has a few problems. He seems to have a problem with the disapproval of others, which is why he writes under a pseudonym. He is constantly afraid of those who are around him not liking him, or being angry at him... He just hasn't learned how to not care.

My suggestion to you Tom, is that you work out some of your problems. Take shots at people. Change your pseudonym to your real name. Post about people with pride, knowing that you are posting unafraid of the consequences, and do as I do, change the names of the guilty, to protect you from libel lawsuits.

Oh, by the way Tom, if you want to start your webcomic, you can get free hosting at Keenspace. You should do fine, your artwork is good, you just need to develop your own style.

Until next time...

Welcome To Therapy

This is therapy for my family. We need it.

Before therapy starts, I will refer you back to my blog, Muddled Mind. It is my general forum for making myself feel better about the world, and is another form of therapy... Just for me.

This blog, as I have said, is for anyone in my family who wants to contribute. I hope we all do. We could use a place to get things out in the open.

Who wants to start?

Until next time...