It's Called Therapy... Jackass.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Oh No! The World Shalt Implode Without Him!

Tom Clarkson, my oh so down to Earth brother, has a few problems. He seems to have a problem with the disapproval of others, which is why he writes under a pseudonym. He is constantly afraid of those who are around him not liking him, or being angry at him... He just hasn't learned how to not care.

My suggestion to you Tom, is that you work out some of your problems. Take shots at people. Change your pseudonym to your real name. Post about people with pride, knowing that you are posting unafraid of the consequences, and do as I do, change the names of the guilty, to protect you from libel lawsuits.

Oh, by the way Tom, if you want to start your webcomic, you can get free hosting at Keenspace. You should do fine, your artwork is good, you just need to develop your own style.

Until next time...


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